Tuesday, February 21, 2023

andrea leigh almasi

 FARMINGTON - John Michael "Mike", 72, of Farmington died on Tuesday, February 8, 2023, at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis. He was born to Danny M. Clardy and Charlotte J. (Scott) Clardy. He married Cheryl Young on June 12 1971 in the United Methodist Church of Farmington. He is survived by two daughters, Christopher Adam Clardy and Michelle (Jay) Clardy Dobbs. Both parents died before him. Mike was an avid fisherman/hunter when he was a kid. He was an All-State Football player for Farmington. After graduation, he played college football at Knox College. In 1977, he and Cheryl bought the Farmington Shopper Newspaper. He along with Cheryl were the owners and operators of the Farmington Shopper and Tucker's Printing in Galesburg until their retirement in November 2020.During his life, Mike will be remembered by his love for his wife, family and the willingness to assist others who were in need.


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