Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Jeff Bezos

 "I am often asked of times "What will happen in the next 10 Years?" This is a fascinating questionand is very frequent. The question "What will not change over the next 10 years?" I rarely get. And I'm going to suggest that the second one is the more crucial of the two because you can construct a business strategy around the things that will remain stable over time. ... In our retail company, we are aware that customers are looking for low-cost products and I'm sure that's going to be true in 10 years' time. They'd like fast delivery, and they want vast choice. It's impossible to imagine a world in where a client walks to you and tell you, "Jeff, I love Amazon however, the prices are a bit higher." or, "I love Amazon, but I'd like to see you take a little longer to deliver." Impossible. It's not possible. When you have something that you"If we can keep our competitors focused on us and we keep our eyes focussed on our customers, ultimately we'll turn out perfectly." Jeff Bezos"If you're not determined You'll quit the experiments too quickly. If you are not flexible, you will pound your head against the wall and never see solutions to the problem you are trying to solve.

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